Startup Summit

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You are invited to join us Thursday, October 10th, 2019 from 8am-7pm for full-day conference + happy hour event at the RTP Conference Center.

Startup Summit is an interactive, exciting, fun, and educational conference featuring leading keynote speakers, panels, break-out sessions and master classes from top entrepreneurs, innovators, and executives. Plus enjoy some good eats, drinks, and networking throughout the day plus live music and games during happy hour featuring Lonerider brewery!

The conference provides you with a great opportunity to meet successful people in business and enjoy crash courses taught by experts on important topics you face throughout your startup journey.

During our breaks, lunch, and happy hour, we will have an area called the Consulting Corner. We have assembled a team of experts in various areas including sales, hiring, marketing, business intelligence, funding, etc… to offer one on one advice to answer your most pressing business challenges. Also, new addition will be “Investor Office Hours” featuring some of the best investors and angels from the Raleigh-Durham region including IDEA Fund Partners with Lister Delgado, Bull City Venture Partners with Jason Caplain and Cofounders Capital with David Gardner & Timothy McLoughlin, Triangle Angel Partners with Stephen Clossick, RTP Capital with Ellie Bolle and Mark Friedman, IMAF-RTP with Bill Warner, Wolfpack Investor Network with Brett Danforth, and Carolina Angel Network with Randy Myer & Chelsea Eshraghi. Plus more to be announced soon. This is a great way for entrepreneurs/startups to get advice and potential new investment opportunities.

Startup Summit educates, inspires, and connects thousands of founders from all over the region. In addition, nurtures the local startup ecosystems through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Oracle for Startups. Come to learn and apply key insights you need to be successful, have fun, meet great people, and join the community! Check out quick video highlight of our last conference:


We have over 20+ speakers, master classes, and dedicated networking where you can get your questions answered by experts on many different topics.

8:00-9:00 am: Registration and Coffee & Treats Thanks To Gabi’s Grounds Coffee Shop

9:00-9:10 am: Startup Summit Founders Welcome Message

9:10-9:50 am: Opening KeynoteBob Young (Founder of Red Hat, Lulu Press, Needle Point, Precision Hawk): Funding your Business through your Early Customers.

10:00-10:40 am: Investment Panel: How to best raise funds for your startup & learn best practices to winning investors: moderated and lead by David Gardner (Managing Director CoFonders Capital): Panel Speakers like Elaine Bolle from RTP Capital, Lister from Idea Fund Partners, and others announced soon.

10:50-11:20 am: Coffee Break

11:30 am-12:10 pm: Breakout Sessions

Mental Health and Startup Success: Session led by Nicole Kaufman (CEO of High-Performance Counseling)

-Learn Best Practices On Hiring Top Talent & Landing The Right Job: Session led by Craig Stone (CEO of HireNetworks) and Will Barfield (CEO of Barfield Consulting)

12:10- 1:10 pm: Lunch

1:15- 1:55 pm: Breakout Sessions

Sales Success: Session led by Larry Long Jr. (Director of Collegiate Sales at Teamworks)

A guide to Early Liquidity: Session led by Tobias Walter (Founder of Shoeboxed) and Paolo Divincenzo (Managing Partner at Basis State)

2:00-2:15 pm: Mini Break

2:20-3:00 pm: Keynote: Mikki Paradis (Founder and CEO of PDI Drywall Inc.)

3:05-3:45 pm: Panel- Diversity: Beyond The Obvious Moderated and lead by Donald Thompson (CEO of WalkWest): Teri Harrel, Melanie Sanders, John Samuel, Kendrall Felder

3:45-4:00 pm: Mini Break

4:00-4:40 pm: Closing Talk: Todd and Scot’s 13 Tips for Scaling a B2B or B2C Business.Todd Olson (Founder and CEO of Pendo) and Scot Wingo (Founder and CEO of Spiffy): Talk in development

4:45-5:00 pm: Prize giveaway with Startup Summit T-Shirts & Purebuds Earphones

5:00-7:30 pm: Happy Hour featuring Lonerider Beer & Big Als BBQ plus live music starring Kerry Long & Q and games!


In addition to an awesome agenda of the best speakers, your ticket includes breakfast, lunch, and happy hour! Plus, network with some of the premier startups in the area including; FourScore Law, TriNet, Phononic, Pendo, Bandwidth, and many more.



Oracle Startup Ecosystem


Successive Technologies

Purebuds Earphones

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