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So far DHIT has created 1035 blog entries.

Implementation Best Practices: Dealing with the Complexity of AI


By Bill Siwicki, Healthcare IT News | February 27, 2019 Four experts in artificial intelligence technology offer advice to healthcare CIOs on how to best begin implementing an AI system. Artificial intelligence is just as complex as it sounds. Successful deployment of the various technologies that are necessary for AI [...]

Implementation Best Practices: Dealing with the Complexity of AI2019-03-03T13:19:54-05:00

The Oversell And Undersell Of Digital Health


By Adam B. Cohen and Kyan Safavi, Health Affairs | February 27, 2019 Digital health technologies hold great promise to solve some of the biggest problems in our healthcare system, including achieving higher quality, lower cost, and greater access to care. In the January 2019 issue of Health Affairs, we [...]

The Oversell And Undersell Of Digital Health2019-03-01T12:31:28-05:00

Mayo Clinic, MIT, Harvard Join Forces on Medical Genome Initiative


By Nathan Eddy, Healthcare IT News | February 27, 2019 Health and research entities to advance genome sequencing for disease diagnosis. A consortium of eight health care and research organizations in the U.S. and Canada, including the Mayo Clinic and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard announced the launch [...]

Mayo Clinic, MIT, Harvard Join Forces on Medical Genome Initiative2019-03-18T01:28:58-04:00

What Will Health Look Like in 2040?


By Erin Dietsche, MedCity News | February 26, 2019 Deloitte's vision for health in 2040 is made up of three main categories: data and platforms; care enablement; and well-being and care delivery. While no one knows what the future will hold, it can be fun to take a guess at [...]

What Will Health Look Like in 2040?2019-02-27T09:36:52-05:00

A New Front Line for Pediatric Care? Why Digital Health Startups are Going Back to School


By Kevin Truong, MedCity News | February 24, 2019 Companies, health plans and providers are increasingly looking at delivering care at schools, where children spend most of their waking hours. There isn’t a hospital, a medical clinic or even a decent grocery store nearby Robla School District in Northern Sacramento. [...]

A New Front Line for Pediatric Care? Why Digital Health Startups are Going Back to School2019-02-24T16:44:52-05:00

Digital Health Technology Needs to Fit into the Clinical Workflow


By Fred Donovan, HIT Infrastructure | February 22, 2019 CAMBRIDGE—The biggest question when it come to digital health technology is not getting “new, cool stuff” into the hospital, but how can it fit seamlessly into the existing clinical workflow, observed Jaydeo Kinikar, head of marketing and business development at Philips [...]

Digital Health Technology Needs to Fit into the Clinical Workflow2019-04-08T19:06:27-04:00
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