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So far DHIT has created 1035 blog entries.

AHA Says Telehealth Expansion Can Help Struggling Rural Hospitals


By Eric Wicklund, mHealth Intelligence | February 6, 2019 The American Hospital Association is calling on the federal government to boost telehealth and telemedicine opportunities – including better reimbursement, financial support for new technology and improved access to broadband – for the nation’s struggling rural hospitals. “Rural hospitals are not [...]

AHA Says Telehealth Expansion Can Help Struggling Rural Hospitals2019-02-08T10:45:01-05:00

FDA’s New Draft Guidance Could Hinder Applications for Digital Combination Products


By Dave Muoio, MobiHealth News | February 6, 2019 Released yesterday, the document outlines FDA's preference toward single applications for combination products. The FDA released new draft guidance yesterday regarding premarket review for combination products — those with a mix of components that span across the agency’s drug, biologic and device product categories. [...]

FDA’s New Draft Guidance Could Hinder Applications for Digital Combination Products2019-02-08T10:38:02-05:00

Top Smart Algorithms In Healthcare


The Medical Futurist | February 5, 2019 As artificial intelligence tools have been invading more or less every area of healthcare, we made a list to keep track of the top A.I. algorithms aiming for better diagnostics, more sophisticated patient care or further sighted predictions of diseases. Does A.I. beat [...]

Top Smart Algorithms In Healthcare2019-02-11T07:58:36-05:00

HIMSS19: Sessions You’ll Want to Check Out While You’re in Orlando


By Tina Reed, Fierce Healthcare | February 5, 2019 With hundreds of sessions available, just trying to figure out which to attend from the HIMSS19 agenda can be a little daunting. So we took a look through the list and pulled out a few of the timely sessions you may [...]

HIMSS19: Sessions You’ll Want to Check Out While You’re in Orlando2019-02-11T08:00:46-05:00

Google Patent Indicates Plans to Develop EHR to Predict Patients’ Clinical Outcomes


By Heather Landi, Fierce Healthcare | February 4, 2019 Google appears to have plans to develop its own electronic health record (EHR) for clinicians that gathers patients’ medical records and then leverages machine learning to predict clinical outcomes, according to a patent application published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark [...]

Google Patent Indicates Plans to Develop EHR to Predict Patients’ Clinical Outcomes2019-03-03T13:51:31-05:00

More Than Half of Patients Willing to Use Digital Therapeutic, Study Says


By Kevin Truong, Med City News | February 1, 2019 The report also found that 56 percent of physicians have brought up the potential for a digital therapy as an option for their patients, and 26 percent have discussed the option after a patient brought it up. The emerging field [...]

More Than Half of Patients Willing to Use Digital Therapeutic, Study Says2019-02-03T22:26:42-05:00
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