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So far DHIT has created 1035 blog entries.

Survey: Digital, AI Top Priorities in 2019, but EHRs Will Dominate IT Spend


By Heather Landi, Healthcare Informatics | January 22, 2019 Digital, advanced analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) are top spending priorities for healthcare executives in 2019, but electronic health record (EHR) systems will dominate technology spending budgets, according to a recent technology-focused healthcare survey. Damo Consulting, a Chicago-based healthcare growth and [...]

Survey: Digital, AI Top Priorities in 2019, but EHRs Will Dominate IT Spend2019-01-27T11:21:47-05:00

Digital Ritalin: New Brain Training Game as Effective as ‘Chemical Cosh’ Drugs at Improving Focus


By Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph | January 21, 2018 A new brain training game works like ‘digital Ritalin’ to improve focus, researchers have shown and are hopeful it could replace controversial ‘chemical cosh’ drugs. The University of Cambridge has today launched a free app which they claim provides a ‘welcome [...]

Digital Ritalin: New Brain Training Game as Effective as ‘Chemical Cosh’ Drugs at Improving Focus2019-01-21T11:14:17-05:00

Three 2019 Trends Presaged at JP Morgan Week


By Jonah Comstock, MobiHealth News | January 18, 2019 Social determinants of health, platform plays, and big data were three standout trends. Last week, MobiHealthNews attended JP Morgan Week for the first time. While we took a pass on the eponymous conference, we talked digital health at the bevy of [...]

Three 2019 Trends Presaged at JP Morgan Week2019-01-20T23:12:13-05:00

CMS Pushes Telehealth to Replace Some In-Person Visits in MA Plans


By Eric Wicklund, mHealth Intelligence | January 28, 2018 CMS is updating its Value-Based Insurance Design model of care to allow telehealth to replace certain in-person medical visits in Medicare Advantage plans. Healthcare providers treating patients on Medicare Advantage plans may soon be able to use telehealth in place of [...]

CMS Pushes Telehealth to Replace Some In-Person Visits in MA Plans2019-01-20T21:51:03-05:00

More Seniors May Soon Be Sporting Apple Watches with MA Partnerships


By Meg Bryant, Healthcare DIVE | January 17, 2019 Dive Brief: Apple is in talks with at least three private Medicare plans about making Apple Watches available to seniors to monitor health and fitness, CNBC reports. According to sources familiar with the talks, the payers are seeking ways to subsidize [...]

More Seniors May Soon Be Sporting Apple Watches with MA Partnerships2019-01-20T21:57:56-05:00

AI in Healthcare – Not So Fast? Study Outlines Challenges, Dangers for Machine Learning


By Benjamin Harris, Healthcare IT News | January 16, 2019 As machine learning rapidly expands into healthcare, the ways it "learns" may be at odds with clinical outcomes unless carefully controlled for, a new study shows. Despite being touted as next-generation cure-alls that will transform healthcare in unfathomable ways, artificial [...]

AI in Healthcare – Not So Fast? Study Outlines Challenges, Dangers for Machine Learning2019-01-27T11:32:06-05:00
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