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Presenters: Hao Feng and Dakai Wang, NC State University & FREEDM Systems Center PhD Candidates and Srdjan Lukic, PhD, Professor NC State University & FREEDM Systems Center Deputy Director

Topic: Medium-Voltage Modular Extreme Fast Charging System

The US DOE Vehicle Technologies Office has a goal of recharging electric vehicles in under 15 minutes. This requires research in battery chemistry and in extreme fast charging systems rated at hundreds of kilowatts. They selected NC State and FREEDM to lead a team including ABB and New York Power Authority to design and build a 1 Megawatt station with multiple charging ports. Our design uses concepts from years of research on solid state transformers (SSTs) connected directly to medium voltage (up to 15 kV) utility distribution grids. SSTs at these voltages promise increased efficiency, power density, and operational flexibility. This technical webinar will introduce the architecture and system level control of the SST as well as details on AC/DC conversion and DC/DC stages.

This is a virtual presentation hosted on the ZOOM platform. The program runs for 45 minutes, with 15 minutes provided for Q&A. Total running time is one hour.

You must register to receive access to the ZOOM event. The webinar will be recorded and available on the FREEDM website.

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