Health 2.0 12th Annual Fall Conference, Santa Clara

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Health 2.0 showcases cutting-edge innovation transforming the health care system. Health 2.0 brings a fresh approach as the leader in the space—bringing together the best minds, compelling panels, discussions and product demonstrations.

In 2018 we’ll continue our tradition showcasing 100+ speakers, 150+ LIVE tech demos, 10 brand new company launches, 3 top CEO interviews, and 4 amazing keynotes. Whether you’re looking to spark business partnerships, create investment opportunities, or see the latest product innovations, you can’t miss it!


In October 2017, the opioid crisis was declared a national public health emergency. The rate of opioid addiction has skyrocketed over the last 5 years, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths and millions of patients addicted to prescription opioids.The impact of drug misuse is significant not only on patients, but also on their families, friends and the healthcare system at large.

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